Thursday, February 27, 2020

Our country's obsession with beauty Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Our country's obsession with beauty - Assignment Example The stereotypical bleached blond, silicone enhanced, toned bodied and presumably dim-witted â€Å"bimbette† gets the attention from both sexes. Men want them. Women want to be like them, especially young, impressionable females who still don’t fully appreciate the term â€Å"superficial.† The â€Å"Barbie Syndrome† is a symptom of a society that is focused on looks to the disadvantage of everyone. The idea that youthful looks consequentially translates to youthful desirability and energy is common and helps to further the concept of the body as object. Many studies regarding this phenomenon make a direct and dangerous connection of an appearance driven society with ever-increasing instances of eating disorders particularly among teenagers. It’s not only the media reinforcing image worship; teenagers follow the example of adults who are increasingly utilizing plastic surgery to improve physical features. Ultimately, it is society that decides what the idyllic human form should be and consequently it is the duty of the adults to decide to what degree, if any, physical attributes define an individual’s value. It is also society that responsible for ending the ridiculous, seemingly ingrained idea that the looks a woman was born with outweighs any accomplishments she has earned with hard work, and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sarahs Life Choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Sarahs Life Choices - Essay Example She tried three times and got the voicemail each time. Sarah left a message, waited five minutes and called again. He would know now that the incessant calls were not the kind that came from a secret admirer, but more from a stalker. It seemed like only yesterday that Sarah was bustling down the hall to her next class. Her head hung low, eyes on the floor until she glanced up. And, there he was before she could disappear in another direction. With no other options, she hesitantly walked up to him, shrugged and tried to coyly smirk, punching him playfully in the arm and muttering a â€Å"hey†. Her eyes never met him, but instead passed back and forth between the floor and the zipper on her jacket. That zipper seemed to be getting more attention than an inanimate object deserved as her hands unconsciously gripped it to a white-knuckle degree, quickly and erratically fidgeting with it as it was pulled back and forth, up and down, the same five centimeters repeatedly. Sarah surveyed the bustling hallway, left to right and then left again to see who was witnessing her embarrassing moment. Then she just as quickly looked up at Eric with big eyes that began to fill up. She whispered, â€Å"You know how it’s going, Eric. We gotta talk. Can we meet up after school?† Eric was fumbling in his book bag, repeatedly rearranging his books as if he were looking for something and then grabbed a pencil and threw it at the back of his friend’s head. His friend turned around, flashed him a finger and went back to leaning over the girl whose ear he was whispering in next to the row of lockers. Sarah saw him surveying an escape and grabbed his arm, now staring intensely into his eyes, waiting for his next words. â€Å"Whatever. I made a mistake. But, I’m moving on and we’re done.Â